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This article is supposed to be about me. But it's not. I bet right now you're scracthing your head and thinking, why am I not writing an article about myself in a space that has been created just for Me. Well the answer is, I'm not a pompous bastard like You. I may be a Crazy, Bat Fuck Insane guy from Poland, but at least I'm not selfish. Yeah, You heard me, I'm calling you selfish, and what you're gonna do about it? Thought so, not so pompous now, are ya? Well, this article is not supposed to be anout Me anyway, so i'll stop talking now. What? You're annoyed by me? Well, who cares about you? You probably don't even have an account on here, Noob. Yeah, that's what I called you, now go and huff a kitten.what? You don't know how to huff a kitten? Here, this should help - Kitten huffing There, now lets talk about what this article is really about. Things that are against me. Yes, suprisignly, people like me have enemies as well. Here is a list of things that are against me and what I'm gonna do about it.

Dogs[edit | edit source]

I first discovered that dogs were against me when a drunked Werewolf atacked me barking like mad. luckly I wore my pendant wiht Chuck Norris's beard hair. So i just opened the thing and summoned Chuck Norris who roundhouse kicked the werewolf into a jar of werewolf jam. Yeah, that was good. Me and Chuck went our separate ways, that is until 5 minutes later when another werewolf atacked me and I had to call for his help again. After another 5 fights like that, Chuck gave me power to read werewolf and do minds, so I will be able to sense when they want to Eat me. In addition to that, I have read minds of all the Dog in the world and found out that they all want me Dead.By the way, Mr Barr is the reason all the dogs hate me, hate you and hate that guy. He is the source of all evil, and he is the father of satan. What am I gonna do about it? I'm gonna buy a wig that looks just like my hair, put it on you and let all the dogs of the world Eat You. Lol, you'll get so pwned.

This is out to get me. Shit

Plants[edit | edit source]

Plants were out to get me ever since i was born. They are evil. Serioulsy, plants are evil, very evil. Hey, you behind that screen! Stop laughing. Stop laughing dammit! Don't make me come out of that screen in a scary fashion wiht my black hair down and wearing a white wet robe. Or maybe you want me ot, cos I look so good in wet white robes. No? Your loss then. But anyway, yeah, plants are evil. You think they just sit there and respire and photosynthesise and make flowers and fruit. Bullshit. No, you dumbass, plants dont make bullshit, bulls do. Why did I say bullshit then? Its an expression you idiot. It means that plants are as nice as people think. They are evil. Look at brussles, or spinach. What, what do you want me to look at Popeye for? He's a junkie. Plants are evil, they always et behind your clothes in the forest and poke you when you don't want them to. Come to think about it, plants are like rapists, but worse, cos noone suspects them. Again, it is widely accepted that Mr Barr is the reason plants want to kill me, and are so evil. Yeah, but I'm gonna defeat them anyway! How? Simple, with fire.LOL

You think plants nice ...?
...say it again now.

Machines[edit | edit source]

Machines are not only against me. They're againts all of us, humans, not so humans, batman, Me, zombies, vampires and even werewolves. They are crazy and are planning to take over the world and there isn't much we can do to stop them. Except to beat them in billards!!! And maybe stop ourselves from killing organic stuff, cos anythign that isn't a machine is good (except for dogs, plants and dentists). But watch out, machines are walking amongst us. What do you mean what do I mean? Cyborgs! Duh! Have you never seen terminator? What do you mean terminator is only a movie? You're crazy, soon you'll start saying that Batman isn't real. Weren't you supposed to be devoured by all the dogs of the world when I put a wig that looks just like my hair on your head? Oh, pepper-spray. Hm, I might use hat someday. What was I talking about?, Oh yeah, machines want to kill us. How? Oh, they have tons and tons of ways, like this and that. But the one thing we have to watch out for the most is billards. It's the most addictive thing ever, and it feels soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooood. But the computer cheats. It cheats I tell you, and you wanna know why, because its a machine! That's why. And it doesn't like you. So it will cheat. Yeah. Machines are evil, yeah. EVIL! Machines are so evil, that many people (including me) suspect that Mr Barr himself is a machine. He's a cyborg, like terminator, but with less strenght and guns and with much more evil powers. If you see Mr Barr on the street run as fast as you can.

You know it all too well
The most evil game ever.
This is what your kid is sleeping with. He probably got it from Mr Barr as well.

Weather[edit | edit source]

Weather. Well, this is a tricky one. Cos weather is even smarter then the ones above. It is really, really smart. But its out to get me. I bet you're all wondering how is weather out to get me. Well, to tell you the truth I don't know myself. Excpet that I do, but now exaclty, except that I actually do. Confusing, I know. But don't worry, this is only because your pee sized brains cant process so much information. Don't ven bother trying, you're too stupid to succeed anyway. Just sit back and rad when I explains slowly, so eve You, wiht your special condition will be able to understand. WEATHER ... IS .. EVIL.. AND ... IT .. WANTS ... TO ... KILL ... ME ... WIHT ... A ... THUNDER. There, I hope you understood that becuase I'm not repeating that again. Sadly, the machines won't let me put up the picture of an evil weather (oh, suprise), but I let your imagination do to that for me.

Dentists[edit | edit source]

This one will be easy. Everyone knows that dentists are evil. What? What the hell you're rambling about? Dentists help keep your teeth white and healthly? Well, I don' think you'll care if your teeth are white or not when he'll stuck his drill where the sun don't shine. Not so caring now, are ya? Anyway, most of the time the dentists won't even have a chance to do anything, as they'll keep moving your appointments until your death. Ha. And if you get unlucky enough to sit in that chair, they'll put you out. They'll say they have to sedate you, so they can rape|heal your teeth. Dentists are evil. If you ever let them near your parents, they'll tell them not to give you sweets and chocolate. What?!?!?!?! You don't eat chocolate?!?!?!?!? It's not healthly?!?!?! What kind of a sick freak are you?!?!?!?!?!?! Leave my site now, leave I tell ya! Good, now for all those who are still here, remember, dentists have been taught by Mr Barr, who was a dentists once himself. Stay away from the dentists, and let nature take care of your teeth.

Mr Barr before his 10023th plastic surgery to change the way he looks so people won't chase him wiht pitchforks.
That could be you. You don't want that to be you, do you? You do? You sick masochist!