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30 Days of Shite - the thrills! The spills! The...erm...look, I'm having trouble coming up with stuff that rhymes with 'thrills' here, and the joke wasn't very good in the first place. Maybe I'll change the caption...OK, here goes...It will tear your soul apart! Yeah, that's good!

What the...? What the fuck are you doing, man? That's like some kind of glowing-eyed monster beast thing out there, and you're going out?! Now, I don't know about you, but in my experience, anything with glowing eyes also tends to have razor-sharp claws and three-inch fangs - and is rarely friendly! I mean, this thing looks like your granny's Siamese cat, only much bigger. Sure you don't just want to go back to bed?
P14 Go back to bed.
P11 Sod that, I wanna be a hero!