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30 Days of Shite - It will tear your ass apart!

You go to bed. My God, what a pansy you surely are. What is it? Scared of a little werewolf/vampire thing, are you? Or maybe you just think doing the proper manly thing and going out there and killing it isn't the right thing to do - after all, even werewolf/vampires things have the right to life, and who are you to take that away? FFS, man, listen to yourself - what are you, some sort of a hippy liberal or a Goddamn vegan or something? Jeez.
Anyway, you get what you deserve, because ten minutes after you fall asleep the beast climbs up the wall of the hotel, gets in through the window and tears your throat out, right after it gives you a good seeing to up the bumhole. Ha ha! Pwnt. Right after that, it goes over to Room 56 where the high school girl's netball team's pillowfight is still in full swing. Being nubile teenage girls, they all have raging hormones and are utterly gagging for it - the werewolf/vampire thing is naturally very happy to oblige and has the best night of its life. That could have been you. Pwnt X2, sucker. Oh well, too late. You are dead.