User:Black flamingo11/Sun

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This sun, but smaller and less burnier.

Sun hot. Sun hot and round. Sun burns in sky and lights world, makes us see things with light. Also make us warm. I like sun. Except for when sun burns eyes for looking too long. Also when sun burns skin to crisp. Me look at sun for long time, things look funny now... all hazy and yellow. Me look again tomorrow, will be fine. Sun is friend.

Sun look close but is hard to reach. I reach out with hands - and mouth - and feet - but is too far. My friend Og try standing on my shoulder and reaching, said he nearly touched it once, but still too far. Tomorrow we try with three people. Og's arms long, he bound to reach!

Look[edit | edit source]

What this? Sun not look like this at all...

Sun is round. Has same shape as stone, round stone that is. Not all stones round but sometimes stones round. And those stones are same shape as sun, except the ones that aren't exactly round. Some are just a bit round. And some square too.

Stone also yellow. Sorry, no. Sun also yellow. Sometimes sun and stone so similar me mix them up. Sun is yellow like... uhh... hmm... yellow flowers. Yes. Yellow flowers. You know those yellow flowers? Sun is that kind of yellow. Sun not always yellow though, sun is mostly yellow but not always. Sun sometimes is more orange. Orange like... uhh... buhh... orange flowers. Yeah. You know ones. Even more sometimes sun is not even orange, but is red. Red sun is even bigger than yellow sun and closer to ground also. Red sun huge and fat and colour of skin when I been out in sun too long. Skin go red too, like sun, and I scratch to make it better.

Sun so many colours, but always same sun, yes? Og say not true and that sun is actually white colour but may appear yellow because of atmospheric scattering of blue light. Og say funny words. How is sun white when it look yellow, orange or red? Make no sense, Og.

I draw sun. Me got eyes a bit wrong.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Sun move across sky in day, goes under ground at night. That is why dark at night. Cold too, because sun is big fire. And very scary. Sun make warm. At night there is moon, which makes dark and cold. Moon makes dark and cold like sun make light and hot. Moon show different every night, Moon is scary. When moon is bright, Og says women like men. Both move across sky and follow each other. Sometimes they catch each other and whole world is plunged into horrifying darkness. Everyone scream, and not just because they being ravished in dark. We thought moon had killed sun, but everything was fine in end. Sun just carried on. Then moon did too.

Some people, like Og, say sun doesn't move, and that it is Earth that move around sun. But I cannot feel Earth move. If Earth moved I would fall off like when I try to ride horse. And if Earth move then who is driving it? I say this to Og but he doesn't listen. He just say sun technically is moving through interstellar cloud in the Orion Arm. So sun does move, I say? Og just shake head and walk away. I go back to looking at sun. Sun friend. Fuck Og.

Name[edit | edit source]

I not know where name of sun come from. People just call it sun, so I do same. I guess sun just mean sun. Og say it because "Sol" is Latin word for Sun, and Latin language is where we get most English words, although it a dead language. I say Og dumb because languages not living, and so they can't die. Also, how we get "Sun" from "Sol"? Sol end in ol, and Sun end in un, s only thing they have in common! Stupid Og...

Hot[edit | edit source]

Sun hot. Sun keeps us warm. Sometimes it keeps us too warm and me go all red and warm. Then I don't want any more warm and want cold instead. But cold is nowhere when sun out!

Hot because made of fire. Sun big fire ball in sky. I not know how fire become shape of ball, or how fire ball get so high, but somehow sun did. Sun so hot that it can cause fire. Sun burns things and makes them fire. Like in forest fires. Sun cause fire yesterday, although Og say it wasn't sun, it was me that set fire, and that is why I am in this place. I say "what you talking about Og!?" He always call it "correctional facility" but I not know what he means.

Og say he take way window because I try escape, but that not real reason, he just not want me be happy.

See[edit | edit source]

Og say I not allowed to see Sun anymore. Og say I bad, and so they take away window. I not do anything bad, though! I just try get out window to be closer to Sun. But Og say that bad, Og say I need to stay at "correctional facility" for long, long time. He also say I have to stop talking like this, whatever this is, and stop wearing animal skin. "Nurse fed up of having to buy new cat," he say. Me only defending myself against big sabre-tooth, I say.

I sad to see Sun go, I love Sun, Sun love me. I try to put my own window in wall when they take window away. I stand in front of it when they looking, so they not know. But when they stop looking, I look at Sun. That way, me and Sun always see each other. I love Sun, want to give hug. Maybe can when Og let me try three people, I be on top, not Og. Og not deserve be on top, he take away window, try keep me away form Sun. Og cunt.