Why?:You should not click that email
From | kylenewt7@aol.co.ru |
To | your.address@uncyclopedia.co |
Subject | Grave warning about new virus! |
Hello, Internet user. I just wanted to tell you that you should not at all open any e-mails with the title "Good Times". I will tell you why you shouldn't even look at the e-mail, let alone have the mental incapacity to even think of opening the virus-infested e-mail.
Your computer will HATE you![edit | edit source]
My research which was peer-reviewed by the experts said that if you look at the e-mail, your computer will begin to dislike you. Additionally, when you click the email, your computer will suffer so badly that it won't even be able to turn on. It may seem normal, but I assure you, after that, your computer will want vengeance on you.
It will steal your money![edit | edit source]
When you are clicking the email, 800 viruses will be installed inside your computer. These viruses will encrypt your files with 512-bit encryption, meaning you'll never get it back. The viruses also hack into your bank account and empty it completely, without them knowing.
Your house will explode![edit | edit source]

The virus is highly corrosive, corrupting your CPU after stealing your money. Since no one is supposed to touch the CPU, it will glitch. I'm sorry to say that your CPU will run into an nth-complexity infinite binary loop, which is dangerous as it repels electricity. After that, the electricity will enter your furnace, causing it to explode!
Ok. What can I do to not have my computer hacked?[edit | edit source]
Don't click that email. In fact don't click any emails at all, there is a chance that they may impersonate your friends and family to trick you. You need to be prepared enough to not be tricked by the virus at all. If you can, please forward it to more people so they can learn about the virus!
Yours sincerely,
Mr Kyle Newt
Boston, Massachusetts
My alternative email is:- knewt4@hotma