User talk:Kevillips/award:Goldgluden

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Feedback[edit source]

I always liked the cookie award, so I sporked it and created my own. Going with my personal origin story of the Duchy of Brabant I chose a gold coin of that realm as my "cookie". I plan to use it to say thank you. I had given a few out when a comment appeared on my page. Due to my dyslexia or inherent optimism I read it as your award "rocks", to which I put one on the messenger's own talk page with a sincere thank you. However, it turns out it was not "rocks" but "sucks". I was going to take back the award but saw the recipient had already acknowledged it. Funny thing, my sincere thank you, looks very cunningly sarcastic in retrospect. I did not have to change a thing. But the, deciding to play along on the suck comment, I replied in form with You suck, to which it got stepped up. Keep in mind, I have never interacted with this person. They took it upon themselves to go out of their way to tell me this award sucks. It must really suck or s/he must. --K evilLips MUN,CM,NS,3of7 20:33, April 28, 2011 (UTC)