User talk:Anarchist Reynolds

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The Lords of the Underground[edit source]

"All your bandwidth are belong to us."
~ LotU on your bandwidth

History[edit source]

Once apon a time, in a place probably pretty close to where you are now unless you are in Asia, in which case sucks for you, there was a merry band of merry people who were not married. These merry people went to The Not Quite As Merry School in The Not So Merry State in The Even Less Merry Country. These merry people noticed the lack of merrieness at The Not Quite As Merry School and decided to 'merry it up a bit'. And so it was that these merriest of merry men banded together to form the merry organization we now merrily know as the Lords of the Underground (LotU). This group swore a merry blood pact to download countless numbers of merry and often random videos, games, and audio clips in an effort to soak up the bandwith at The Not Quite As Merry School like an insatiable merry mutant sponge. LotU now needed a way to make the cause public and so they decided to use the most influencial information center in the universe (the same one that decided George W. Bush beat Al Gore and thus dooming us to the insufferable years that followed), Myspace, where they developed a facination with yeti porn (don't ask). Sadly the Myspace fell on blind eyes and LotU's merrieness started to become less merry. And soon all of the enhabitants of The Not So Merry School were forced to periodically worship Cecilia. This was truely the end of days... until the day we come back. Then the days will be back again. AND YOU SHALL WORSHIP US!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! In the year 2005, LotU became officially associtated with Satan, and his younger brother Stan. Due to LotU's frequent trips to both Hell, Heck, and Back, so many "frequent flier miles" have been accumulated that all future tickets cost one drop of blood each, rather than the customer's life. To be merrily continued...

As our merry lives continue in no particular direction, but rather meander vaguely about like a ship rocking side to side as we ROCK THE BUS (don't rock the bus baby!), we continue our thoughts...!! In this month (December) we have concluded amongst ourselves that we will make it our passion to pursue ultimate chaos through these next 31 days. Knuckles ain't got shit on us and Shadow is a whiny little pussy.

O God, it's 07!!! Sigh, another year gone. ripped from us like candy from a baby *tears*. New years resolutions consist of...... well....nothing. And that about covers it for now. One more thing.... *fart*

More ellipsis for added emphasis...

~ The above was posted by Anarchist Reynolds The Merry, Claxnos Redsear The Lazy, Verac Conche The Lucky, and Seaworthy Al The Dazed. All of it.

Moto:[edit source]

Bringing down Reserve's internet one game at a time.

Credo:[edit source]

All your bandwidth are belong to us.

The Current Lords of the Underground[edit source]

- Anarchist Reynolds The Merry
- Claxnos Redsear The Lazy
- Seaworthy Al The Dazed
- Vegan Dimitri The Random
- Hegemonical Bribe The Evil
- Verac Conche The Lucky
- Namyk Eelinen The French
- Ninja Lord The Asian

Pictures[edit source]

A rare picture of Anarchist Reynolds
Vegan Dimitri on the cover of Vegan magazine because he is a vegan.
Claxnos Redsear confronting an enemy at the gates to The Underground.
Verac Conche wishing you a "Top o' the mornin'!"
Seaworthy Al lounging in his private boat.
The only known picture of Hegemonical Bribe, the man who took it vanished shortly after.
Namyk Eelinen in Paris with her dog, Dog.
Ninja Lord just before he vanishes using his SECRET SHINOBI POWERS!