User:Zim ulator/Cthulhu's Ballsack

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The Reverend Jesse Jackson throat-spleen-sings the relatively obscure rock-ballad "Ewglu phln'slghn hngl'wi. Krha'gr br'clnuilha wgah'rly'ueh v'glua n'gl" (Chicks dig the tentacles. That's why I keep 'em where they can see 'em)"

Cthulhu's Ballsack is an ineffable blackness from beyond the edges of the universe-metal rock band which first formed in 1977. In an obscure basement recording studio, clavinet player Cthulhu met Barney the Purple Dinosaur through an spinning poodle player wanted-ad at Daddy's Junky Music Store. The initial jam session was described by witnesses as, "horrific", "bleak and painful down in my soul" and "a blood-curdling cacophony".

The duo began playing local coffee houses and BDSM clubs under the name "Triggered Gag Reflex", playing mostly experimental jazz and folk-rock.

Band Members[edit | edit source]

Cthulhu - a thousand soul-devouring mouths, pan flute, cacophonist
Kurt Goedel - mathematics, keyboards, piccolo saxophone
Rev. Jesse Jackson - lead guitar, vocals
Barney - wrinkled python, spinning poodle