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 Edinburgh, Scotland Score: 215 Moves: 95

> give up, fall and die

Pansy. You fall, and just before you hit the ground, you wake up back in your seat on the airplane.

> So it was all a dream?

Yep. You're now in Edinburgh, Scotland.

> disembark

You are now in the lobby of Edinburgh Airport.

> What a day to be alive.

Indeed. But since you're still not in Lakecastle, and Lakecastle has no airport, you're going to have to find your own way there.

> How far is it?

50 miles at least.

> Well then, what are my options?

Lakecastle has a train station and a seaport. Of course though, you can always drive, or have someone else drive for you. AND, you have 150,000 dollars at your disposal.

> I think i'll take a limo.

Just one problem: In Scotland, they don't use dollars-

> convert dollars to pounds

-but they use pounds, which you just wasted an hour converting your dollars to.

> Problem solved.

OK. Now, how are you going to get to Lakecastle?