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 Bryce's Room Score: 120 Moves: 78

> Call the manager and complain about how he's letting riffraff stay in his hotel

Dodging the odd bit of the ceiling that falls down, you make your way over to the hotel room's phone, flick through the hotel's number directory just before it gets scorched into ashes, and dial the manager's office. You wait as the heat intensifies and the flames build up around you, and the second he answers, you launch into a tirade about how much you paid for your room and how much grief you've been getting.

The manager actually takes your bitching pretty well. Saying "I understand, sir; stay where you are." he hangs up-and a few minutes later bursts into the room accompanied by several of the hotel security guards, who are armed with fire hydrants.

> Why the security guards?

Apparently the hotel's firefighters are novices. Anyway, the security guards are pretty efficient, and in barely a minute the fire is out, leaving an empty and charred room full of heaps of ash.

"Really very sorry about all that, sir." says the manager to you. "That Bryce chap has been causing trouble from the minute he arrived here. I knew I was making a mistake the minute I gave those Bensonist lunatics permission to have their conferences here. I might have known they'd probably be making preparations for the apocalypse or something after their god was killed. And now he's kicking up some sort of riot down in the lounge. Not to worry, though; I'm off to give him a piece of my mind."

The manager then gives a wave to the security guards, who draw their guns, and they and the manager leave the room and head down the stairs.

Well, this is a catch; someone else is gonna fight the boss fight for you. Nice.