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 Bensonist conference Score: 60 Moves: 64

> Get the hell outta here

You try to. But as soon as you turn towards the door, it slams shut, and the Bensonits all turn toward you. You here a booming voice echoing around the conference room: "BENSON MAY ONLY BE A GHOST, BUT HE'S STILL BETTER THAN THAT DOOR!"

You cringe in terror and wet yourself. But to your surprise, the speaker only smiles slyly. "Ah, yes." he says. "We've been expecting you. I know about your friend the Deputy." He then presses a button on his speaker's stand which, to your further surprise, opens the doors and somehow throws you out. "Meet me in the lounge." he says. "I just need to finish this sermon." The doors then close again.

Huh. Talk about a convienient plot twist. Without the plot.