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 Bensonist conference Score: 60 Moves: 63

> Attend Bensonist conference

You enter the conference room, which has been made up to look like a chapel; the seats have been pulled up by their roots and replaced with pews, there's one helluva lot of candles, and everyone is wearing Bensonist robes. At the front, the speaker, a man with a handlebar mustache, is speaking passionately in a charismatic and high-pitched voice.

"My fellow Bensonists," he is saying, "this is a tragic chapter in Bensonist history! Our beloved Benson has been slain by the dastardly one known as the Grueslayer! Let it be known throughout the world that the Bensonists will not rest until they have exacted their revenge upon him!"

The Bensonists cheer. You gulp.