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 Multiplayer Mode Score: 0

> ask level

Implementor Conniving approaches you with an angry look on his face.

Conniving: "What?!? You should know your own level. You're playing as yourself, yes? Stop wasting my time, I have to go nab cheaters."

> How do you know when there's a cheater?

Conniving: "When their stats read something that shouldn't be there. You have your legit players like Han Solo, Mewtwo and Chuck Norris. Know how they have legit elements and levels? Well the hackers here have stats they type in themselves, like HACKEDBITCH. Needless to say, this causes a lot of problems for those that accept their challenges. If you see any, tell me. You can email it to the Unfocom website when you log out. Be sure to include your screen name, the accused user's username, a screenie of the offending stats, schematics on how exactly they pulled off the hack, the time of day the screenie was taken, the time of day the hackings started, the offender's height and weight, their blood type, what was said between you and this hacker, where they live, their email address, and any other information helpful to determine if the game has indeed been hacked. We have a lot of data to sort through, so as much helpful information you can provide me with would help speed things along. With that being said, we will inform you on the status of the potential hacker in about four to five weeks, once our backlog is loosened enough to finally consider your accusation. We wish there were a faster way, but this is the current method, i'm afraid."

> B-but... the main page...!

Conniving: "See you later! >:("

Conniving leaves.