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Here, you can challenge your fellow Uncyclopedians ME to chess games and pray that I won't take forever to move. If you have an aching desire to do something unorthodox and insane, just go here, and leave me alone. To start a new game, fuck off copy this template below onto this page under a current game:

<div style="float: center;text-align:center;padding:5px;background-color:#F5F5F5;border: 1px solid #DDD">{{chessboard|img=gif|size=40<!--
 -->|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  <!--
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 -->|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  <!--
 -->|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  <!--
 -->}}Game #X /White: <player1>/ Black:<player2></div>

Also, please observe the following rules, or die:

  1. The same rules of regular chess apply: no illegal moves, including but not limited to: placing your king in check, incorrectly moving your pieces, and/or bludgeoning your opponent to death.
  2. Remember to specify who's turn it is on the main heading of your game.
  3. If you're a n00b and don't know how to play chess, leave. We don't want you fucking around here with the pieces, lest you poke someone's eye out.
  4. You can play in as many games as you want, but don't be an asshole about it.
  5. These games can take a while, be patient goddamit. If your opponent does not make a move for a long time, start a new game or something, don't whine to me about it.
  6. If you are uncertain about your move, use the preview button. For Christ's sake, use the goddamn preview button!
  7. Sign your name in the game's caption with 3 tildes ~~~ (no timestamp necessary)

a b c d e f g h
8 Chess rw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess kw.gif Chess qw.gif Chess bw.gif Chess nw.gif Chess rw.gif 8
7 Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess .gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif Chess pw.gif 7
6 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 6
5 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess pw.gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 5
4 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 4
3 Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif Chess .gif 3
2 Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif Chess pb.gif 2
1 Chess rb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess kb.gif Chess qb.gif Chess bb.gif Chess nb.gif Chess rb.gif 1
a b c d e f g h
Game #1 White: DiZ Black:<player2>

Stolen from DiZ's page for simplicity and ease, and so we don't get dirty dirty edit conflicts.