User:The Woodburninator/Pokemon

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The video game pokemon is a brutish attempt at young adult entertainment that should be outlawed immediately. Never in my years have I come across something so savage, and unfit for young children's eyes and minds. Have you seen what they do to these poor creatures?! PETA should be outraged, and I would not blame them for one second if they were. I understand the lower and middle classes have a need for such arcaic entertainment as this, but frankly I will not stand aside and let my Fredrick be tainted by what these other children are doing. It is dreadfully brutal, and it must be put to an end. I have decided to put my multiple problems with this nasty little game into a neat, numbered form.

They let children (CHILDREN!) around these wild savages[edit | edit source]

Firstly, how could this game be marketed towards children (CHILDREN!)? Why was a game like this even implemented? Did someone just want to find out what the best way to turn all of our gentle, loving children into brutes who promote animal cruelty. The game's central feature is an animal fighting simulator, with the point being to kill the other person's animal. This type of thing seems more fit as a documentary of what it is like to be a modern National Football League player than a children's video play-toy.