User:Simsilikesims/The Day Uncyclopedia was finished
It came about one day that the great work of Uncyclopedia was finally perfect and complete. There were no more good articles to feature, for they had all already been featured before. There were no more bad articles to delete, for all the bad articles had already been deleted. There were no more pages to categorize, for they had all been categorized. The worst of the writers had all left the site, preventing the creation of new bad articles. The best of the writers all concluded that what needed to be written had already been written, and would never need to be updated, and thus the creation of new good articles was unnecessary. Everyone had stopped listening to biased news outlets on television and reading biased news sources on the internet, so no new UnNews were inspired. Everyone agreed that parody music and satire poetry were stupid, so nobody wrote that stuff anymore.
The admins all agreed: the best thing to do was to protect the entire site from editing so that vandals wouldn't come in and destroy all the hard work. For vandals have been around since the beginning of humankind and will be around until its end. And so it began - the last great work of protecting the entirety of Uncyclopedia from vandals, and then proofreading all the pages for spelling and grammar mistakes.