User:Simsilikesims/Payday Loans
Payday Loans are an excellent means for obtaining emergency cash should you have neglected to invest in a rainy day fund, don't own your own home, and have maxed out all your credit cards. They are also an excellent way of making sure that you are living from paycheck to paycheck, and will be out in the cold should you ever lose your job, which is funding the cycle of getting another payday loan to cover the previous loan. They also have an excellent interest rate (the higher the better) making them more affordable than credit cards, pawn shops, or mortgages.
The amount of the payday loan is generally based on how much money you make each payday. This makes them ideal for urgent expenses, such as open heart surgery, cancer, or car replacement, or even less urgent expenses, such as a hot tub, a luxury yacht, a new piece of jewelry for your sweetheart, a new home theatre, an electric guitar, a vintage rifle, or a new pony for your darling daughter.
All you usually need to do to apply for a payday loan is to bring in a payroll stub, your last bank statement, your last utility bill with your name on it, and your ID. This is so that they can reject you if you are living with your parents, or if you don't have a bank account that they can garnish later, or if they decide you are too ugly for a loan.