User:Sethrihoth/Apple markets the new iPregnant? app for the iPhone.
5 December 2009
Buisness giants Apple have released a new application for the iPhone, the much anticipated iPrgenant? pregnancy tester. The reason for all this hype, however, is not what Apple expected. The public, after paying the usual rip off price of £0.20 (Robbing bastards) began to mass piss on the iPhone, even men. Obviously they didn't read the 'this item is intended for novelty purposes only' label, but people just don't give an iShit. The most alarming incident however, is that when the app was positive on Alan Sugar. With all the money he owes, having a baby is a serious problem, this not mentioning the fact that he's male...
Nevertheless, profit wise, Apple has struck it big. And in the end, that's all they care about. Steve Jobs commented that at the end of the day, he has all your iMoney, and his new iMansion for his inflatable iWife and iKids will be built soon so he can lord it over us. You smug bastard.