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This user is a naturalist, so they take pride in hugging trees regularly. |
This space for rent. Lube available. Call 1-800-666-6666. |
This user likes llamas, and rides them on a daily basis. |
This user be a pirate in disguise. |
n00biness |
Uncyclopedia n00bs |
Other n00bs |
This User Welcomes you to St Petersburg.
This user is a complete genius, normal person.
And leaves you with the news that:
Johann Sebastian Bach was recently arrested on the number 12 bus, towards north grimsby. He was in possesion of three illegal bananas, and some highly contraband breakfast cereals. He received 13 pints on his walking licence and paid a fine of 9 concertos, four cantata and a fish. He is all over the floor in the other room.
May the Llama be with you.