User:Psychotic Spartan/Part 4

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This article is dedicated to Jewish God, the omnipotent representative of the jewish race. Though having unlimited powers, he appears in the form of an old man wearing the jew-cap.

He has all the same powers of Christian God except he doesn't answer prayers, and has an inquenchible thirst for money (which he sustains life from the inhalation of).

The Jewish Devil[edit | edit source]

Jewish Devil is an evil being that plots to rid the earth of money to starve Jewish God to death in order to prevent the Jewish God's Genocide. Of course, he'll fail due to the fact it's near impossible to kill a god.

Athe[edit | edit source]

Athe is the atheist god. He holds a strong grudge against Jewish God for having bankrupted him several times in the past. Even now, the atheists have no temples due to their financial woes.

Christian God[edit | edit source]

Christian God, or God as he is commonly refered is the supreme being holding power over Jewish God placing the money-hungering curse upon him to punish him for his thieving ways during life.

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