User:Orangutang94/Hot potato
“Hot potato hot potato who's got the hot potato”
“If you got the hot potato you are FIRED!”
A hot potatoe is a seemingly innocuous but weaponized tuber vegetable capable of doing massive damage. If you are looking for a less literal interpretation of the phrase, well, "hot potato" can mean one of several other things.
Literal hot potato[edit | edit source]
Put yourself in this scenario: it is the year 1844 in Ireland, you're dirt poor, and you've eaten nothing for the past week and finally encounter this one cooked 'tater from the food lines. The potato is piping hot, which is a blessing as you have not even had hot food for a month. Never mind the fact the potato may be loaded with rot, pins, needles, Worcestershire sauce from those damned Englishmen, or immense amounts of pent-up heat that make the potato somewhat unsuitable for human consumption for another 30 minutes. You should probably wait for that morsel to cool down or check for any other harmful substance inside before shoving it into your face but-
Within seconds of your untimely death from biting into said hot potato, other people in the food line begin to notice the effects on what remains of your poor, decimated head.
This was the discovery of the weaponization of potatoes. It eventually led to a worsening of the Irish potato famine as the Irish began to use hot potatoes as their new weapon of choice to try and break away from those pesky Brits, but due to the Irish being overall starved and using a pipin' hot version of their primary source of food as a weapon, the Brits squashed the rebellion after some initial struggles.