User:OPOSSUM/Opossumopedia/Olhiyo Bay

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Olhiyo Bay (ŌLHAIYŪ BĒ), originally Chumashia, is a hypothetical and likely unfeasible colony and micronation envisioned in one of OPOSSUM’s strange fantasies. It would be located on Santa Cruz Island or by the coast between Ventura and Santa Barbara, California, populated at least part-time by Opossum and some of his crazy friends from high school. It would be fully reliant on trade from elsewhere at first, but hopefully grow to become mostly self-sufficient as its inhabitants figure out what they are doing.

An ideal timeline for Olhiyo Bay[edit | edit source]

A broke-ass OPOSSUM, after finally being kicked out of the house whilst working with a shitty wage, decides to call together a few pals to start a shitty village for those who are interested and his struggling fellows. This “village” would likely be set up near a creek for easy access to running water which (OPOSSUM has drank plenty of in his life.) It would initially rely on food bought from cheap markets in the vicinity, while crude huts would be built out of driftwood… perhaps tents would be purchased. Residents of Olhiyo Bay would continue their true jobs, and most, if not all, would not live in the colony full-time, at first at least. ÐƎ RŪLZ ƎV ÐƎ KOLƎNĪ WUD BĪ RĪTĪN ĪN Ǝ FƎNETIK ALFƎBET DIZAIND TŪ BĪ ĪZĪ TŪ LƎRN, IN ÔL KAPS IN KĒS ÐƎ KOLƎNĪ BĪKĒM TRŪLĪ SELF SƎSTĒNĪNG.

The Colony Develops[edit | edit source]

Should a whale wash ashore, its ribcage would be converted into a communal house. Hauling it upright and covering the roof would be the most monumental task completed by Olhiyo Bay’s residents, and it would surely take days. Perhaps each whale rib would be erected individually instead. Driftwood rafts or dugouts may be built, or plastic kayaks may continue to be purchased. Several pine trees may be planted to mark the boundaries of the Olhiyo Bay colony. Members would get used to eating mussels, crabs, and clams. Fishing would likely become commonplace as well, and water would be collected from a creek. The residents would hopefully become resilient enough to live amongst nature, at least mostly… But this is all barely feasible, of course.

A Mature Olhiyo?[edit | edit source]

In a timeline where Olhiyo manages to thrive, who knows what could happen. Could babies be born? Could OPOSSUM and his fellows manage to reside there, without getting killed or abandoning the colony? Olhiyo Bay would likely develop a weird lingo early on, judging from OPOSSUM experience in Alaska. But could Olhiyo Bay somehow develop its own culture, traditions, et cetera? Or would it all be destroyed in an earthquake or shut down due to some previously unknown law?