User:OPOSSUM/Moccan language/Moccan-English Dictionary

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Here is the Moccan language's vocabulary so far. Roots here are written down in the Latin alphabet rather than the Moccan alphabet.

Nouns[edit | edit source]

Noun root English Notes
mqwshińh "moccasin"
ndziq' "Moccan ring-shaped masculine genitalia" Always in the plural form, ndziq't, due to an ancient taboo
ṯ'nhiwiʡhdłoʡ' "Un-Existinator" Composed of the roots ṯ'nh(e)-i-wiʡh-dłoʡ'. (cause to-not-exist-machine.)
mhoq'e Planet Mocca CN-5
mhoq'esin A "Mocca CN-5 Specimen 1" alien Obviously derived from mhoq'
tso'l "word"
iq'd "thing, object"
iq'd-ǥreʢex'dzẖ "cucumber" (if recently transformed) Literally "thing which has been transformed into a cucumber." (if the thing was transformed fairly recently)
iq'd-ǥreʢex'dzokw' "cucumber" (if transformed into a cucumber a long time ago, or never transformed at all) Literally "thing which has been transformed into a cucumber" (if the thing was transformed a long time ago)
'nḏ "methane" Uncountable.
ǥńsnexw "shrine"
ʕoł "house"

Verbs[edit | edit source]

Verb root English Notes
-meqx̱'- "to eat" Can be either transitive or intransitive, i.e. can be used for either "X eats Y" or "X eats".
-oğw- "to see" Transitive.
-dx̱- "to [be able to] see" Intransitive.
-wiʡh- "to exist" Intransitive.
-jeǥw- "to become" Transitive.
-dz- "to speak anally" Intransitive.
-'wo'wo- "to speak orally" Intransitive.
-dzk- "to speak anally [to something/someone] Transitive.
-ł'ekxw'- "to mock [someone/something], especially in an insulting manner" Transitive.
-tigrh- "to sin" Intransitive.
-ǥreʢ- "to transform into a cucumber" Intransitive.
-ǥreʢk- "to transform [someone/thing] into a cucumber" Transitive.

Adjectives[edit | edit source]

Adjective root
ebosem "insane"
-gxe' "big" A suffix that is placed on nouns.
-mediǥ "small"

Prefixes and suffixes[edit | edit source]

Pronominal prefixes on verbs 1sg. 1dl. 1pl. exc. 1pl. inc. 2sg. 2dl 2pl. 3sg an. 3dl an. 3pl an. 3sg in. 3dl in. 3pl in.
As a subject j- kxw- t'- n- ǥ- k'- m- ts'- kx- ǥw- ts- tł'- ń-
As an object -sh(e)- -xw(e)- -th'(e)- -n(e)- -x̱(e)- -x(e)- -m(e)- -s'(e)- -x(e)- -x̱w(e)- -s(e)- -ł'(e)- -ń(e)-
Possessive prefixes 1sg. 1dl. 1pl. excl. 1pl. incl. 2sg. 2dl 2pl. 3sg an. 3dl an. 3pl an. 3sg inan. 3dl inan. 3pl inan.
(are put before nouns sh- xw- th'- n- x̱- x- m- s'- x- x̱w- s- ł'- ń-
Tense Suffix
Distant past -ok'w
Recent past -ẖ
Present -qws
Gnomic (neutral, anachronous) (none)
In a hypothetical situation... -x̱'d
Other affixes for verbs
Affix English gloss Notes
i- "not" Precedes pronominal prefixes.
ṯ'nh(e)- (causative prefix)
-dłsh -er, one who does
-dłoʡ' tool/machine for doing
-'ğch' Creates a verbal noun So that Dz! "[Anally] speak!" turns into dz'ğch' "[anal] speech."
-(e)'ʕ "if" Goes after the verb tense
VERB-(e)x'dz "which has VERB" Forms an adjective, and adjectives come after nouns in Moccan.
Suffixes to be added to nouns
Meaning Root Notes
Animate plural -
Inanimate plural -t
Dual -ʡ'
Ergative -grwh
Inhabitant of X X-(e)sin The "e" is dropped if the previous morpheme ends in a vowel.
In the manner of -s'x̱w
To be -ẖsh tso'l "word" becomes tso'lẖsh "is a word". Considered intransitive. The ergative suffix is ignored for -ẖsh-derived verbs, so "ʔK'âʞДe is a Moccan" is ts'mhoq'esinẖsh 'Yńhbsdłrkxw, rather than ts'mhoq'esinẖsh Yńhbsdłrkxwgrwh.
Genitive prefixes/suffixes for nouns.
Non-possessive Possessive (alienable) Posessive (inalienable)
Owned by/associated with an animate. -∅- -e- -s-
Owned by/associated with inanimate. -i- -o- -sh-

ńe-ǥńsnexw i-mqwshińh-t (approximately "their-shrine 's.the-moccasin-s") "shrine of the moccasins"

mqwshińh-t-i ńe-ǥńsnexw (If the possessor comes before the possessed, the genitive is a suffix. If the possessor comes after the possessed (which is more common,) the genitive is a prefix.)