User:Not an anon anymore/Barney Online

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Glad the misery only lasted 6 seconds. -Oscar Wilde on Barney Online

Barney Online was a MMORPG being made by EA Games. It was supposedly going to be about Barney And Friends. It attracted


children to it. It was delayed. It was Delayed. IT WAS DELAYED!!!!! It finally came out in the year 2002 BC. It was premoted by McDonalds for approximately 1700 years before release. It was shut down 6 Seconds After Release. McDonalds sued EA because of this. EA had the following letter sent to explain why.

Dear McDonalds, Please Do Not Sue Us. EA

McDonalds Sent back this letter.

Dear EA, We Will Sue You. McDonalds.

McDonalds then Received the following brochure.

Dissapointed About Barney Online? Don't Worry. The Reason It Was Shut Down Was Because It Had No Chat Filter, Resulting In Just The First 9 Seconds, Pedophiles Receiving 17 Billion, 5 Hundred And One Half Children. (The One Half Was Sitting On A Knife.) The Other Reason We Snut It Down Was Because It Was Just Plain Stupid.

McDonalds Responded to the brochure with this letter.

Dear EA, We Don't Care. McDonalds. PS. You Spelled Shut Wrong.

McDonalds eventually won the Suit. However, the mispeling of shut as "snut" caused the Snut Fad of 2001 BC.