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This is the typical Wall-raith. Scary right?

The Wall-raiths. When Sauron left Wegmans to stalk Wal-Mart employees, nine men followed him. They were known as the Wall-raiths. Evil creatures, they did the bidding of Sauron.

The real Wal-Mart

The First Quest[edit | edit source]

At first, the Wall-raiths were only used for hunting purposes. They were sent after high-power Wegmans associates to get revenge for mistreatment while they had worked at Wegmans. However, this did not effect Wegmans in the slightest as they were rather untrained. So, the Wall-raiths were retrained by Wall-Mart into first class assassins. Sauron was shunned.

Later on in their careers[edit | edit source]

Later in their careers the Wall-raiths were hired to take out such manufactors as Toshiba, Target, Wegmans, K-Mart, and, well, anywhere that carried even one of Wal-Marts products.