User:Mk 97/Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

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“Someone call for a really hairy pluber? Bow-chicka-bow-wow! I'm here to lay some pipe. Bow-chicka-bow-wow!

~ Tucker on Bow Chicka Bow Wow

“Shut up, Tucker!”

~ Everybody on Tucker

“You are one lucky bastard.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Everybody on Tucker

So you're interested in this article, huh? You want to read it and examine it carefully, huh? Bow-chicka-bow-wow! Look no further! Bow-chicka-bow-wow! This article has everything you need to hit it big! Bow-chicka-bow-wow! Let's get started, shall we? Bow-chicka-bow-wow!

A few questions to stimulate your mind...bow-chicka-bow-wow![edit | edit source]

  • What games do you like playing on your Wii? Bow Chicka Bow Wow!
  • How wide does your dentist tell you to open your mouth? Bargh Chicker Barrgh Agh.
  • How do you eat your popsicles? Bow chicka bow wow! Do they melt in your mouth easily? Bow chicka bow wow! Do they make a sticky mess all over your face? BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!
  • What condiments do you like on your hot dog? Bow chicka bow wow! How about NONE? BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!
  • Do you like chicken breasts? Bow chicka bow wow?! Do you eat the whole thing in one bite? Bow chicka bow wow!
  • Do you remember scientific principles of thrust, drag, and lift? Bow chicka bow wow! How about force times mass equals ACCELERATION? BOW CHICKA BOW wait wrong formula.
  • Were you a descendant from a homo erectus? Bow chicka BOW WOW!!!