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my userpage. yeah.

Uncyclopedia-paint.png This user's primary source of artwork is MS Paint.
This space for rent.
Lube available.
Call 1-800-666-6666.
United States
This user is American
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
United States
Uncyclopedia elzzup otatop.jpg
.sdrawkcab si resu sihT
!degnellahc-yllatnoziroh TON si resu sihT :etoN
This user likes random colored userboxes.
[ insert content here ]
This userbox is a filler, and therefore looks ugly.
[ insert content here ]
Unicorn small.png This user is convinced that any Unicorn is far superior to a Pegasus. No pegasus small.png
Hiding kitty.jpg
This user is a member of the Anti Kitten Huffing Movement.
Hiding kitty.jpg
Gefahrensymbol F.png
This user is a bit of a pyromaniac.
Gefahrensymbol F.png
This user is elite.
This user is a n00b.
No Wikipedia.png
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there.
No Wikipedia.png
This user doesn't care.

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