User:Miasmania/Mitch Webb

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Mitchell Webb, in cool kid mode. Wearing Led Zeppelin Tee, by Led Zeppelin, and Sunglasses by Fgt Inc.

Mitchell John Webb (born 24th of July1990) is a local Clyde guitarist,Dunstan High school student, and budding bebowhore. In a bebo career spanning less than 3 weeks, Mitchell (the location of the name's origin is unknown but was active the second quarter 19th century. It is said to be derived from an English aeronautical engineer (1895-1937))is on his way to bebop stardom. Amongst friends, he is also known as Mitch, Mitchy, Mytch, Mitch Dizzal, Vagina boy and Itch. It is currently unknown as to how he gained these titles, but as investigations proceed, answers are bound to be attained.

Bebo Biography[edit | edit source]

With the formation of Mitchell's bebo some 3 weeks ago, his profile veiws are through the roof. Currently they sit at an astonishing 230, and in time, are bound to reach in the 1000 mark. This will make him one of the most 'successful' beboers of all time. Sources say his bebo is home to just 6 friends, though numbers are bound to increase as the Mitchell phenomenaspreads. His bebo contains copious comments from one, Clara Pau who is said to co-own Bebo. Also, a list of bands Mitchell draws inspiration from when jamming with his band (yet to be named). Some of these bands include; Led Zeppelin, Red Hot Chili Peppers,Audioslave and Metallica. When veiwing this page, Mitchell is very informative as to his religion.

Faith[edit | edit source]

Mitchell Webb, with Chuck Norris himself.

Webb tells of his passion for, what he claims as,an equivalent to God - Chuck Norris He began his worship only hearing a few of the many facts about Norris, only to expand on them and now has moved onto their promotion. He has been heard saying, quote: Oh my fucking Chuck Norris. and I'm the #1 Chuck Norris fan, so back off, he's mine. Obviously, he shows huge compassion towards this aspect in his life.

Interests and Infactuations[edit | edit source]

Since the debut of the Emo, Mitchell has become widely infactuated with the movement. He claims to be, quote: scared of them. However, close friend Jonathan Thom, has told the media, quote: He has Emo music on his Mp3 player. Here lies a major controversy within their friendship. More so, Mitchell has recentely become increasingly interested with new released movie, Borat It has been said he even went to the extent of going to the nearest movie theatre to his home town, with one, Mat Feron and Clara Pau. (Mat Feron being the driver and only on his restricted Driving permit). Sources however, are unreliable. (This is due mostly to the three's lack of morals). Mitchell's interests also lie within his band. Though the band are supposedly in the garage phase it has been said they don't as yet have a Garage to practise in, let alone a name.

Band successes[edit | edit source]

Being able to play Bone Machine by The Pixies, out of time and without drumsticks.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • Uhhh... Metaphoric...? (Mitchell on rock types in late 2006.)
  • Have you noticed the Asian Invasion lately? (Mitchell on the sight of 3 Asian students as he walked down Centennial Ave. in Alexandra)
  • Gumby's a very sexy man. (Mitchell on his close friend, Gumby)
  • The Jimi Hendrix Experiance (Mitchell on his mispelling of 'Experience' on The Greatest Band of all time poll)
  • Let's Bounce! (Mitchell's way of saying, shall we go?)
  • Sweet. C u den. (Mitchell on the arrangement of his video night by text message.)
  • Phonics is an awesome word. It just looks awesome too. Like, the look of it. (Mitchell on the word, phonics)
  • I hate her....I mean, I dislike her a lot. (Mitchell on his Year 11 Science teacher)

External links[edit | edit source]