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The author of this article does not care at all if you edit it – heck, your stuff is probably funnier than theirs. |
This is a list of annoying, overused, cliche, bizarre, pointless, and just plain stupid terms, quotes, and phrases on Uncyclopedia.
Alphabetical[edit | edit source]
- All Your Base Are Belong To Us
- All that and a bag of chips
- Are you nuts?!
- Bart Simpson is sleeping with your wife
- Cunt cunt cunt cunt crap crap shit
- Did You Know...
- Does the pope shit in the woods?
- Don't go there, girlfriend
- Do you know who my father is?
- Give it up you'll never be in a Star Wars movie
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- I burning your dog
- If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
- Is the bear a Catholic?
- It doesn't matter what your answer is so long as you feel good about it math
- It's fucking raining, innit mate?
- Juicing the orange
- Kilroy was here
- La la, I can't hear you!
- Mmmmm Chiggy Chiggy
- My Bad
- OooOOOooo, I'm so enlightened!
- Shooting people who have gift certificates for resturaunts.
- That being that, you twat
- This article is a stub. The article submitter may also have been smoking crack. You can help Uncyclopedia by expanding it.
- Whateva Whateva
- What the Rock is Cooking ?
- What up dawg ?
- Where the heck did I get these nachos?
- Where Yo Homies At?
- Who is your real mom ?
- Who farted?
- Who put the 'bop' in the 'bop sh-bop sh-bop'?
- Who the fuck are you looking at?
- Who The Fuck Is This Guy?
- Whothehellwasthatgirlagain,eh?
- Who would win in a fight between....
- Why don't birds get electrocuted when sitting on power lines?
- Why dont polar bears crap in the woods?
- Why Won't This Guy Die?
- Wicked Pissah
- You go girl
- You have new messages
- You have two cows
- You're the man
- You're The Man Now, Dog!
- You want beef?