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Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.
Member of the Order
This user loves to play the drums, and usually hangs out with musicians.
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This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover.
Windows logo - 2012 (dark blue).svg
This user is a Gamer and therefore creepy.
This user loves pi
TheJeeMan.jpg Jesus loves this user, and has blessed this page.
This user is elite.
This user is a paladin .
Hide your demons and undead.
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
This user prefers to be anonymous. That is, numbskull, they don't want you to know who they are.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Lolz89 was not born, rather he was created by God to be the perfect human. But something went terribly wrong when Satan snuck into heaven and tainted the perfect being. This caused him to be not so perfect and kind of evil.

Roles throughout history[edit | edit source]

Lolz89 has had various lives that have been recognized in history, and he remembers all of them perfectly, because of his superior intelligence. They are as follows:

  • Tutankamun "King Tut" (2500 BC-2482 BC)
  • Julius Caesar (68 BC-24 BC)
  • Lolz of Gaul (Paladin Supreme General Commander in Joan of Arc's Army) (679 AD-1278 AD)
  • Lolz of Brittania (Paladin Supreme General Commander in King Arthur's Army) (1337 AD-1457 AD)

Paladinism[edit | edit source]

Lolz89 is an experienced double-veteran Paladin who has ascended to the highest Paladin rank twice throughout his existence, and could easily pwn any Paladin easily.

What Lolz89 sez[edit | edit source]

“all ur base r blong 2 us, n00b.”

~ Lolz89 on WoW

“lol, stfu n00b.”

~ Lolz89 on CO

“I can pwn ur ass any day of the week except Friday, because I'm off duty.”

~ Lolz89 on Some Paladin n00b

“Shut the fuck up, dumbass.”

~ Lolz89 on Red Forman

What people say about Lolz89[edit | edit source]

“What the hell did he just call me?”

~ Red Forman on Lolz89

“Bob Dole can Bob Dole the Bob Dole.”

~ Bob Dole on Lolz89

“Who the fuck is this guy, and what is his business?”

~ Oscar Wilde on Lolz89

Lolz89 vs. n00bs[edit | edit source]

He hates n00bs and he will pwn, KOS, PK, own, etc. any n00b upon detection.