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Elohel is a name for God used in the Bible, along with such names as Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai, Shaddai, and God. Elohel, from the Elohist tradition of Scriptural writing, is depicted in a much more fun-loving and generally considered sacrilegious way. As such, most books from the Elohist tradition have been excluded from canon, though some passages still remain. Through the Elohist author's eyes, one gets a much different picture of God than one gets from the other four traditions, which all show the entity as being "holier-than thou" and generally pompous. Indeed, Elohel is shown as a hard-partying druggie who reveals himself through strange, substance-induced dreams that he pawns off on prophets. ==

Elohist Creation Story[edit | edit source]

The two creation accounts found in the Bible, cleverly known as the "First" and "Second" creation accounts, are from the Priestly and Yahwist traditions, and pale in comparison to the scope and strangeness of the Elohist story. Labeled as "apocrypha" in the late 4th century by Crusaders, the account tells not only of the genesis of man, but the genesis of Elohel himself.