User:John Lydon/RPG/5

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You press down on the accelorator of your 1987 Ford Fiesta. It shimmys and shakes, and after a while hits the sixty mile per hour mark. You merge on to the I-95 and can't believe your luck. "No traffic! This is awesome!" You zoom on towards the soft lights of Los Angeles.

Just over an hour later, you reach the studio. A security officer steps out of his shack and motions for you to stop. You ignore him and barrel through the barricade. The security officer reaches for his weapon, only to realize that he doesn't have one because they only give guns to real cops. You putt past in your Fiesta, slowing only to give the guard the finger. As you reach the lot where the finale is being filmed, your mind begins to race. "Should I wait for him outside? Maybe I should just barge in and kill him on live television! Where the hell are my pants?" What do you do?

Ittybitty bullet.PNG Wait for the bastard outside

Ittybitty bullet.PNG Kill the bastard on live television

Ittybitty bullet.PNG Just where the hell are my pants?