User:Joe9320/UnDebate:Should we have a mosque near Ground Zero?

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Should we have a mosque near Ground Zero?

Background and context

In 2010, the mayor of New York, in co-operation with Cordoba House, plans to build a multicultural center in New York. However, it is built near the site of Ground Zero, the site where two planes crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The controversy severely divided Americans. Proponents, including those from New York City state that not all Muslims make trouble, and building Park51 (the name of the building) will be the symbol that shows that America is a place of peace and tolerance, and that it will strengthen relationships between America and the Islamic world, which is part of the fundamental aspect of the United States. Opponents, including those outside of New York City and the New York State say that it is insulting to the victims of 9/11 to build Park51 near Ground Zero. Proponents counter this as a sign of bigotry and Islamophobia, and that the argument is based on the idea that all Muslims are responsible, not fundamentalist Muslims.

Construction: Is it a mosque or a prayer space?


It is a prayer space and a community center. There is a difference between a prayer space and a mosque. A prayer space is a space where you can pray to your own god. A mosque is a large building similar to a Christian cathedral where only Muslims can enter during prayer times, but at other times non-Muslims can enter. And besides, this building has a nice basketball court and a hall for congregations of people of different religions and races. I mean, do you call a Christian hospital a church because it has a prayer space?


Seriously. Those Muslims bombed the World Trade Center!

Is the building a symbol of Islamic victory?



Will it cause further divide between Islam and Christianity?



Do you consider opponents of Park51 bigots?



We consider you as bigots.

The Answer

The debate is nothing but a manufactured controversy done by right-wing media who just wanted to pick on Muslims. This article from RationalWiki tells us more about it. Just read it man!