User:Hrodulf/Sun Ra

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Sun Ra (May 22, 30,182 B.C.? – May 30, 1993) was an innovative jazz composer, bandleader, piano and synthesizer player who discovered it was easier to write music if you just told everybody to play random shit. Occasionally a discernable melody or harmony does appear briefly in his music. This is done to make it even more shitty and annoying..

Born Ugg the Lesbian Caveman Busdriver in Antartica, he was nicknamed Batshit Fucking Loony from his youth. He later took on the name and persona of Sun Ra (Ra being the name of the ancient Egyptian god of the Sun). He did this to trick people into thinking his unlistenable music was so bad because he was a fucking god from outer fucking space. Needless to say, only hippies and new age twits fell for the scam.

Little known fact about Sun Ra[edit | edit source]

He sucks disease and lice-infested whale dick.