Hawkfan45[edit | edit source]
“This guy totally sucks at life”
“That guy totally sucks at life”
“For once in your life, do something decent. Kill yourself. Please. Do it for the kittens you so like to huff.”
“Hey! Fuck you! Also stop trying to huff my kittens, you bastard!”
What he likes[edit | edit source]
This kid totally has no life and always is playing video games or is on the computer. He really hates school (who doesn't). He has nothing really to do in Bettendorf, Iowa. Two of my friends do uncyclo User:balmung and User:BombsAway.
“We, however, don't completely suck. And we're not fat.”
“Yeah, and I don't sit at my computer eating six sticks of butter a minute, and jerking off to Telitubbie porn. Can't say the same for User:BombsAway though”
“Hey, man, butter is damn good and 4chan can make La La and Poe seem pretty damn hot.”
“Why must my "friends" make so many random quotes on my user page?”
“Because you suck, and you're totally not funny, and everyone hates you. Lake Titicaca. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”