User:Flutter/Help:Page titles

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The following characters are not allowed in page titles:

# < > [ ] | { }

¹,² and ³[edit | edit source]

'[edit | edit source]

/ (subpage)[edit | edit source]

Inlet and Outlet articles[edit | edit source] be added...

and (Outlet article)[edit | edit source] be added...

and (Inlet article)[edit | edit source] be added...

« and » (Double Outlet article)[edit | edit source] be added...

» and « (Double Inlet article)[edit | edit source] be added...

.: and :. (Alternative articles)[edit | edit source]

: (colon)[edit | edit source]

Article titles with a colon preceded by the title of a namespace are interpreted as being pages in that namespace so can't be used for articles in the main namespace. Article titles that would clash with an interwiki link prefix are also disallowed by the software (with a "bad title" error).

For non-namespaces, like GTA :.., there should be a space after the colon to names. The Uncyclopedia namespaces are listed below:

Uncyclopedia:[edit | edit source]

The bacic colon namespace. All “(Main)” article whith this image logo: 40px-Wiki.png

Undictionary:[edit | edit source]

Uncycloversity:[edit | edit source]

Unquotable:[edit | edit source]

UnTunes:[edit | edit source]

UnNews:[edit | edit source]

UnBooks:[edit | edit source]

Mega Recipe:[edit | edit source]

Category:[edit | edit source]

User:[edit | edit source]

MediaWiki:[edit | edit source]

Template:[edit | edit source]

Talk:[edit | edit source]

Game:[edit | edit source]

Forum:[edit | edit source]

Babel:[edit | edit source]

Image:[edit | edit source]

HowTo:[edit | edit source]

UnPoetia:[edit | edit source]

Portal:[edit | edit source]

Help:[edit | edit source]

:[edit | edit source]

Special:[edit | edit source]

?:[edit | edit source]

Why?:[edit | edit source]

UnScripts:[edit | edit source]