User:EpicNinjaMonkey/UnNews:Mathematicians Prove 1+1=3

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25 February 2012

The glorious equation.

Harvard University, Massachusetts -- Today, Harvard mathematicians proved that 1+1=3. They explained to us how they proved it.

Let x=y



1+ (y/x-y)=y/x-y


They explain that we know that 1=1, so we add the three equations together




They conclude by telling us that on the left there are three 1s and on the left there is 1+1, so 1+1=3

We tried to tell them that what they were saying didn't really make sense because you get 2=3, but one of them pulled out a shotgun. Let me tell you, nothing is scarier than a crazy old man threatening you with a shotgun. NOTHING. I am scarred for life.

We were released under the rule that we would never tell anyone that they were wrong.

So, there you have it, they were uh....right. Yup, 1+1=3.

(Please don't say they are wrong, they'll KILL me. Spare my life!)