User:Enzo Aquarius/GATAZ/Atlanta

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Check out all these amazing restaurants in Atlanta, as reviewed by GATAZ. This could not have been done without the help of Bliss Zorn. Thank you for enduring hundreds of meals of food you don't like, hours of sitting on the toilet, and 25 days in the hospital from food poisoning. Don't worry, your medical expenses cheque will be in the mail in 54 days.

  • 100 Knots North - GoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.png - One of the only south New Delhi restaurants in Atlanta. Seating was ample, though most of it was in some odd pool of water, so my feet shrunk while I was in the middle of the entree. However, the bathrooms looked like something from a horror movie, I even thought the toilets were uttering death threats to me. Service was exquisite. Recommended Meal - Rump Steak stuffed with Tacos - with Pinot Noir.
  • 777 Tofu Hut - GoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.png Half - I'm not a fan of tofu, but I decided to try this place since it's open 24/7/365...and it was 3:00 AM in the morning after attending the local strip club. Good parking, although some Honda almost hit me, and I got your license plate buster. Service was amazing, and the urinals had Hello Kitty cakes. Recommended Meal - Non-Spicy Tofu with Spicy Rice - Served with Liquid Banana Pepper Sake.
  • IGave Head - GoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.png Half - It's a restaurant across the road from a crematorium, absolutely fucking amazing! Hours of operation are not good though, from 8 PM to 8:30 PM every night except Sunday through Friday. Some of the food is so hot that my penis literally burned while I was urinating. Bathrooms were subpar, no soap in one of the dispensers and the condom machine was broken. Recommended Meal - Kentucky Fried Cayenne Chicken with KFC's Macaroni Salad.
  • Patty & Selma's - GoldNinjaStar.pngGoldNinjaStar.png - This is, quite literally, a hobo shack behind an apartment. Though the seating is absolutely horrendous (seating only for 1), the food is amazing. Try the Pork Chops with Cinnamon Apple Fritters with a glass of 1997 Chardonnay from the local vineyard. Bathroom is non-existant, have to ask the apartment intendant for the key to their bathroom.