User:EminamaDron2/Featured article

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Todays featured article;Emo

“You don't want people to judge you, yet you spend an hour doing your hair and putting on makeup?”

~ Oscar Wilde on contradictions of the Emo ideology

“What a bunch of cry babies.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Emo

“Halloween is fun, why can't it be every day?”

~ Average Emo on their daily attire

“Emos aren't depressed, they just have dangerously high levels of emoglobin that need to be excreted via wrist!”

~ Scientist on on the theory of Emolution
An odd subculture indeed, emos are known to blind themselves with their own spastically-cut fringe and take pictures from ridiculously odd and unnecessary photographic angles.

Emo (from Latin words "to buy, purchase", pronounced eeee-moe) is a type of subculture (rather distinctly from the 21st Century) loosely rooted around punk rock with its own distinct style of music, fashion, argot and other trappings in a desperate, though ultimately hopeless attempt to pronounce their uniqueness. As a rule of thumb, a person described as "emo" (falling under certain behavior mannerisms and attire correlating with the subculture) will often be from a comfortable, middle-class background with understanding, pleasant parents. All of this is irrelevant to an emo who will consider themselves misunderstood and repressed regardless of reality. Any urologist would say that these very emotional people need to be encouraged by the rest of society to help them jump off a bridge and stop taking up our public benches. (More)