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Raiders-of-the-lost-ark-1.jpg Hey Look! It's only filled with happy sand guys!!
I swear to god, we're going to lose this war if Hitler keeps sending me on these ridiculous wild goose chases. We wasted a whole year running around Europe to look for the Spear of Destiny and all we found was a bunch of people who claimed to own it. We must have killed fifty people and all we have is a truck full of worthless, rusty spear heads and rotting wooden poles to show for it! Now it looks like we'll be spending 1942 finding out how many people have an Ark of the Covenant and collecting a pile of dusty, acacia wood furniture for the Fuhrer in the process. This is not why I became a Nazi. The bling with all the swastikas is nice but I look like Black Leather Jacket Dork when I'm standing here in this dark, musty craphole with the likes of Captain Doofus and Towel Head Priest Guy!