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CAPTAIN AWESOME[edit | edit source]

Captain-Awesome as he sees himself after drinking ten bottles of Red Bull at 3am

this is the user-page of Captain Awesome, here is where he shall write many many craptacular things that nobody cares about - like the dork he is.. What? you want more? yeah.. well, he's new.. so its a work-in-progress..

Evil bloke.jpg
This user devours babies. Whole.
Evil bloke.jpg
Barr Irn-Bru 6 X 330 Ml Pack.jpg Yer article may be overly Scottish, no British. Ye shouldnae dae anyhin tae fix it.


a proposed new-labelling scheme for public toilets that was shot down due to false claims of insensitivity
Captain-Awesome designs videogames - at least he did until he was fired over the controversial Mario V Hell Kitty games.. come on now, its not so bad! right?.. right?
