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I'd like to thank Nicmavr and his buddy Blade bane for playing along. Sadly, I didn't get banned. See User:TheLedBalloon/Halo for true hilarity.
- Cajek [n=4cdefde1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #halopedia
- Topic is: "Welcome to #halopedia - | Countervandalism Channel - #cvn-wikia-halo | Yeah... we know all about the Halo stuff from E3"
- Topic set by Sub7ank [Sun Jun 7 16:04:19 2009]
- Cajek Nicmavr Ajax_013 Kamikaze102 +CommanderTony +{Smoke|away} Tom|Sleeping charitwo unilinky Pinky ashley chii Martinp23 @ChanServ
- Channel created on Tue Jan 27 05:29:46 2009
- #halopedia
- #halopedia [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff:
- <Cajek> oh Charitwo
- <Nicmavr> hi Cajek
- <Cajek> Hey Nicmavr
- <Cajek> So, tell me about this "halo" thing
- <Nicmavr> Hm?
- <Cajek> what is this, "halo"?
- <Nicmavr> Depends if you're refering to the ring or the game.
- <Nicmavr> Are you new here?
- <Cajek> new, yes
- <Nicmavr> Ah, welcome to Halopedia's IRC channel.
- <Cajek> hi!
- <Cajek> are you, like, an administrator?
- <Nicmavr> No, I'm a rollbacker.
- <Cajek> I love Halo, play it all the time
- <Nicmavr> :)
- <Cajek> is that the one where you yell "SORRY" and move their pieces back to the beginning?
- <Nicmavr> Well, you can make yourself an account on Halopedia
- <Nicmavr>
- <Nicmavr> The site's main page.
- <Cajek> Oh, I think I did already
- <Cajek> a while back
- <Cajek> is it the one with the horse and the queen?
- <Nicmavr> Anyway, the two guys in mode +v are two of our 11 admins.
- <Cajek> how much activity you guys getting?
- <Nicmavr> Quite a lot. With vandals of course.
- <Cajek> vandals the roman-era barbarians?
- <Cajek> so, Halo
- <Cajek> got a lot of angels, I presume? Lots of halos? Christian message?
- <Cajek> ...?
- <Cajek> ...!
- <Cajek> ...;
- <Nicmavr> lolwut? No.
- <Cajek> Is it VERY christian or only somewhat christian?
- <Nicmavr> Uh, in no way does it have anything to do with religious stuff. :P
- <Cajek> the other ladies in the resthome want to know just how christian Halo is
- <Nicmavr> It's a shooter-alien-killer or whatever you wanna call it. :P
- <Cajek> My nephew kills aliens at the border
- <Cajek> he's a good boy
- <Nicmavr> lolwut?
- <Nicmavr> In Halo, you mean.
- <Cajek> he'll be wearing that halo soon, too. I'm so glad you've all found Christ through Halo.
- Nicmavr dun get it.
- <Cajek> Jesus Christ, I mean, not his lowlife brother
- <Nicmavr> Christ has nothing to do with Halo.
- <Nicmavr> Halo is a video game.
- <Nicmavr> No religious thingy.
- <Cajek> a what game?
- <Nicmavr> Video game.
- <Cajek> what?
- <Nicmavr>
- <Cajek> huh?
- <Nicmavr> V-i-d-e-o game.
- <Cajek> w-h-a-t?
- <Nicmavr> Um, what exactly were you expecting?
- <Nicmavr> I hope you din come to the wrong IRC channel. XD
- <Cajek> I wanted to talk about Jesus and halos
- <Cajek> You know, Halo
- <Nicmavr> Uh, this aint the channel you're looking for then.
- <Cajek> the game with the Covenant
- <Nicmavr> Ya, that.
- <Cajek> the covenant with christ
- <Nicmavr> But not Jesus, he has nothing to do with this.
- Blade-_-bane [i=7cb3429a@gateway/web/ajax/] has joined #halopedia
- <Nicmavr> wut??
- <Nicmavr> The Covenant have nothing to do with Christ.
- <Blade-_-bane> hey
- <Nicmavr> Hi Bane
- <Cajek> and the master chief of us all: saint peter
- <Nicmavr> Wtf
- <Blade-_-bane> whats with the religion?
- <Cajek> I'm a Christian
- <Cajek> but not that christian, the other kind
- <Nicmavr> ...
- <Blade-_-bane> um...what other kind?
- <Blade-_-bane> catholic?
- <Cajek> No, there's CHRISTIAN
- <Cajek> and then there's christian
- <Nicmavr> Please don't discuss religions here. It's against our channel rules. You'd be better off taking this to a religious channel
- <Blade-_-bane> yeah
- <Cajek> uh, okay
- <Cajek> what CAN we talk about?
- <Nicmavr> halo (The VIDEO game) and halopedia
- <Nicmavr> That's what this channel is for
- <Cajek> video game?
- <Blade-_-bane> halo
- <Blade-_-bane> that game
- <Cajek> first explain video games to me
- <Blade-_-bane> Halo: combat evolved
- <Blade-_-bane> know what an xbox is?
- <Cajek> no
- <Blade-_-bane> its sort of like...
- <Blade-_-bane> a TV addon
- <Cajek> TV?
- <Blade-_-bane> you dont know what a TV is?
- <Cajek> no
- <Blade-_-bane> seriously?
- <Cajek> no...?
- <Cajek> what is it?
- <Blade-_-bane> its like
- <Blade-_-bane> of sorts
- <Blade-_-bane> with a screen
- <Blade-_-bane> that shows things
- <Cajek> screen like a screen door?
- <Nicmavr> OMFG
- <Nicmavr> If you dn know what an xbox or TV is, then how can you play Halo?
- <Nicmavr>
- <Cajek> I don't play halo
- <Nicmavr> Read that
- <Nicmavr> Wikipedia: The answer to life.
- <Cajek> I don't know what that was, but please explain a screen to me
- <Nicmavr> wtf, you told me you did...
- <Cajek> metaphor for reading the bible
- <Nicmavr> Go to the link I gave you.
- <Blade-_-bane> click on it
- <Cajek> link?
- <Blade-_-bane> it will take you to a page
- <Blade-_-bane> the blue thingy
- <Cajek> blue thingy
- <Blade-_-bane> click it
- <Cajek> click?
- <Nicmavr> YES!
- <Cajek> what?
- <Blade-_-bane> um...
- <Blade-_-bane>
- <Blade-_-bane> clickt that
- <Nicmavr> nao
- <Cajek> whoa
- <Cajek> did you guys see that string of text?
- <Nicmavr> ...
- <Blade-_-bane> yeah
- <Blade-_-bane> you click it
- <Blade-_-bane> and it takes you to a page on the computer
- <Cajek> I thought you were trying to explain boxes with screens on them
- <Cajek> computer?
- <Blade-_-bane> omh
- <Nicmavr> You know what a computer is, right?
- <Cajek> ?
- <Blade-_-bane> now this is getting ridicules
- <Nicmavr> Yeah, lmao
- <Blade-_-bane> a computer is a thing...
- <Blade-_-bane> that your...
- <Blade-_-bane> on
- <Cajek> ?
- <Cajek> like a chair?
- <Nicmavr> OMG
- <Cajek> I'm sitting in a chair right now
- <Nicmavr> Ya, and what are you looking at?
- <Blade-_-bane> and the thing you are looking at
- <Blade-_-bane> its a computer
- <Cajek> hmmm
- <Blade-_-bane> these words
- <Blade-_-bane> are coming up
- <Blade-_-bane> on your computer
- <Nicmavr> Are on your computer
- <Nicmavr> k?
- <Cajek> I don't know
- <Cajek> I'm not inclined to trust words on a glow box
- <Blade-_-bane> then how did you get here?
- <Cajek> are you real people or robots?
- <Nicmavr> Yeah, go ahead tell us
- Nicmavr is a robot?? WTF!! XD
- <Cajek> is this all computer generated?
- <Blade-_-bane> we are
- <Blade-_-bane> and no
- <Cajek> I thought so
- <Blade-_-bane> we are humans
- <Cajek> you look like words, not humans
- <Blade-_-bane> how did you get here?
- <Cajek> God made me in his image
- <Nicmavr> lolwut?
- <Nicmavr> Dude, please... stop discussing religion, it's against our rules...
- <Cajek> that's how I got here, sorry
- <Blade-_-bane> sigh
- <Cajek> now, about this "computer"
- <Blade-_-bane> how did you get to this chat?
- <Nicmavr> Yeah, it's what you're using noa
- <Nicmavr> *now
- <Blade-_-bane> how did you bring up this page
- <Cajek> we're not allowed to use computers in the compound I live in
- <Blade-_-bane> you are reading from now
- <Blade-_-bane> your at a religious camp?
- <Cajek> yes
- <Nicmavr> ...
- <Blade-_-bane> are you a decon by chance?
- <Cajek> we live in 19th century splendor, like the pilgrims
- <Cajek> I'm an older woman, in the women's area
- <Blade-_-bane> oh
- <Nicmavr> Uh, ok.....
- Nicmavr has had just about enough....
- <Cajek> I hope this isn't a computer
- <Nicmavr> IT IS
- <Cajek> oh my
- <Blade-_-bane> its a comuter
- <Blade-_-bane> how did you find it?
- <Cajek> are you sure?
- <Nicmavr> Yes
- Kamikaze102 [n=45f26dc0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit ["CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)"]
- <Blade-_-bane> yes, we are
- <Blade-_-bane> how did you find it?
- <Cajek> I thought this was a typewriter
- <Nicmavr> XD XD ZXD
- <Blade-_-bane> haha
- <Blade-_-bane> your sooooo funny
- <Nicmavr> Yeah...
- <Blade-_-bane> we know you are joking
- <Cajek> I send out my tweets on this thing
- <Blade-_-bane> now i can tell you are joking
- Cajek heaves computer against wall
- <Nicmavr> Yeah, c'mon, admit.
- <Cajek> I send thee to hell!
- <Nicmavr> see? He can use the /msg command
- <Blade-_-bane> they just did a */* me command