User:Blade bane

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I came to this site on the 9th of June, 2009. I joined up after Cajek played a trick on me and my friend while I was on the IRC on that day.

He came to the halo fanon IRC pretending to be an old style pilgrim living in the woman's area of a Catholic compound. He told his story pretty well, and it was only near the end when he began to ask what a computer was that we decided to call him out.

I asked him if he was from the /X/ boards, then if he was from ebaum'sworld, before he told me where he was.

"18:41 Blade-_-bane uncyclopedia?"

"18:41 Cajek ding ding ding, we have a winner"

"18:42 Cajek yep. I was flexing my humor muscles"

After that, he said that me and my friend were a lot more fun then he thought, and invited me to come join up.

And here I am today.