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History[edit | edit source]

Longmont, Colorado, is an extremely large Mexican Space Cruiser, which crash landed slightly north-east of Boulder, Colorado roughly 37 years ago. Longmont is currently in a state of slumber, as its titanium ion burrito batteries recharge. It is noted as a "Communal Dictatorship" in the Colorado Village Registry. The mexicans were on a voyage to illegally imigrate to the galaxy of tiberian when they encountered the space boarder patrol. In an evert to avoid detection they over heated the ion burrito batteries causing utter melt down. The space cruiser is expected to be operation once more in the year 2014.

Population[edit | edit source]

Half of the population of Longmont is comprised of Mexicans, while the other half are generally leftover Native American mutants from the Chinchilla Wars of 1815. A minority of European Americans does exist, however they are in a constant state of fear and hiding, considering the rest of the population could attack them gang style with samurai swords. It is believed that at least three Ninjas are amongst the population, although every eyewitness has been assassinated before confirming the sightings.

Recreation[edit | edit source]

Longmont has a large array of recreational activities, including underwater basket weaving, prawnography, calculus, and naming individuals "Tony Sinclair."

Drug use in Longmont has increased dramatically within the past five years, especially with the introduction of kitten huffing into the community. Despite heavy losses of kittens, the Longmont Humane Society keeps receiving large amounts of kittens, and is actually being forced to expand their current building. It is believed that a group of Mexican scientists genetically altered the kittens to produce at least as many babies as a female mexican would have, (roughly 14.7 per year) thus causing kitty supplies to go up and prices to drop. Cerveza is still the most frequently purchased intoxicant in Longmont city limits.

Gangs[edit | edit source]

Longmont has had a recent influx of gangs in the past few years. These gangs however are not angry but every friday night meet rival gangs at the bowling aly to settle turf disputes. The only gang related death in Longmont was a simple misunderstanding. It happened when a hit was put out for the local milk man by the south siders. The hit man, a ninja, made a simple mistake and killed an east sider with a samuri sword.