User:A Kittenolivian guard

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Not me (obviously), and not my photochop either. But this is roughly what I visualize when I think about my username.

New here, but been around various MediaWiki sites for years (several Fandom accounts, a decent tenure at Miraheze, and I was briefly a rollbacker on Wikipedia). (You may remember me under usernames such as “CeilingCatFan” and “Lojbanist”.) I’m not good at writing articles, so mainly expect me to be primarily active in the VFX areas (is that what you call them?). The name is one of the monsters generated by the “random monster” template. She/they/it pronouns.

Transgender Pride flag.svg
This user is transgender, and has transcended society's definition of gender.
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This user is non-binary, and as such is provably not a computer.
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This user identifies as asexual (mostly because it sounds better than "virgin").
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This user is proud to say that they have been blocked indefinitely on Wikipedia.
This user is an administrator on another wiki.