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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *

English[edit | edit source]

Etymology[edit | edit source]

From the Ancient Greek word árakos ("chickling vetch") + βούτυρον ("cow cheese") + sλίτ μγςεΙΓ ("phobia").

Rhymes[edit | edit source]

Any word with phobia.

Noun[edit | edit source]

Arachibutyrophobia (plural Arachibutyrophobias)

  1. To fear peanut butter being on the mouth.
  2. To fear peanut butter, people who like peanut butter, et cetera.

Adjective[edit | edit source]

Arachibutyrophobic (no plural)

  1. To describe someone crazy, insane, bat fuck insane, or a Wikipedian. You can also use it to describe all 4!