Uncyclopedia talk:Purge the Old Stuff

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so.... this page seems to contradict itself. is it some type of dogma which if can't be deciphered should be ignored? – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

It's possible that there may be something non-factual about it. It's unlikely though, as we are sticklers for accuracy. Nominally Humane! 10:51 14 Jul
Like, first off, sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
Sign your posts.
SIGN!!!! YOUR!!!! POSTS!!!!
SIGN!!!!! YOUR!!!!! POSTS!!!!!
Should you sign your posts? Absolutely you should sign your posts. Why should you sign your posts? 
Because I will kill you if you don't sign your posts. It's not very nice to kill people for not signing 
their posts. Yes but it's also not very nice to write long diatribes at people who don't sign their 
posts. It's very unfunny to write long diatribes at people who don't sign their posts. I sign MY posts, 
at least when I remember to sign my posts. Of course, you may have just forgotten to sign your posts. 
We must excuse your forgetfulness in not signing your posts. Lord, forgive them, for they know not that 
they have forgotten to sign their posts. You know what they call a man who forgets to sign his posts in 
France? A Royale with Cheese who forgets to sign his posts. Do you know who never forgets to sign his 
posts? Chuck Norris never forgets to sign his posts. Oscar Wilde NEVER forgets to sign his posts (he is 
always very proud of his posts and signs them at every opportunity. The man LIVES for signing his 
posts.) Mr. T Pities the Fool Who Forgets to Sign His Posts. Steve Ballmer WILL FUCKING KILL the man 
who forgets to sign his posts. George W. Bush doesn't care about people who forget to sign their posts. 
I don't know who Dan Kwon is, but I have arbitrarily decided that he forgot to sign his post. Go eat 
shit, fuckers who did not sign their posts. I am tired of all these FUCKERS who forget to SIGN these 

All posts with no signatures make Jack a dull
boy. All posts with no signatures make Jack
a dull boy. All posts with no signatures
make Jack a dull boy. All posts with 
no signatures make Jack a dull boy.
All posts with no signatures make 
Jack a dull boy. All posts 
with no signatures make 
Jack a dull boy. All 
posts with no 
Jack a dull 
boy. All posts 
with no signatures 
make Jack a dull boy. All 
posts with no signatures make 
Jack a dull boy. All posts with no 
signatures make Jack a dull boy. All 
posts with no signatures make Jack a dull boy.

1 In the beginning God created the Internet and the Web
2 And the Internet was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the routers, 
  and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the switches
3 And God said, Let there be Uncyclopedia: and there was Uncyclopedia.
4 And God saw Uncyclopedia, that it was the Worst: and God divided Uncyclopedia from the rest 
  of the Internet.
5 And God called Uncyclopedia "The Worst", and He wrote posts. And in that evening, He did write 
  Posts upon the Talk Pages, and He did sign these Posts. And He knew that it was good.

So, in short...

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As for your question...the answer is "yes". ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngSat, Jul 14 '12 11:14 (UTC)