Uncyclopedia is "Stupid"

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This page is a work in progress

The author will finish it later, probably never. Or not. Should they choose the latter, within 30 days, this page will not exist anymore. Now, GTFO!
Note from someone: This article will be extended by me in the near future. Now stop threatening to delete this page! - Cassie

"Dear Everyone who likes this site,


First of all, this wiki isn't funny, it's OFFENSIVE. I'm surprised it wasn't taken down by the FBI years ago.

Second of all, the wiki is poorly made, with articles that are filled with misdirection, bad grammar, missing capital letters, spelling mistakes, etc.

I expect someone else to continue this article because I don't want to be on this terrible, crappy website for 2 hours, writing about HOW crappy it is.

But you know, before I leave I have to tell you that the last time I experienced anything like I've just experienced here, just hitting "random article" "random article" "random article" over and over again for what felt like a lifetime of nothing but pulled hairs, but must have been an hour in the world where real people live, was never. TWISTED doesn't go anywhere near far enough, you SICK DUM DUMS. I saw a man swimming in shit for Christ's sake!

Scaro Wilde right after saying this

Let me try to explain it better. Once my mom gave me something, possibly crabs. I had never seen anything like these things before in my life, and until I got rid of them they itched all to hell. I tried to wash them out, smoke them out, used and invented all kinds of folk remedies and barely tolerable hippie medicines. Nothing. They just kept walking around making me itch. That's this wiki. It's the crabs of the internet. Are you getting it now, you offensive assholes? Why the FBI isn't up your behind with a rusty rake I DO NOT KNOW. Damn, what are we paying taxes for?"

-Scaro Wilde, who died after saying this