Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Protest Warrior

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Protest Warrior[edit source]

A funny article about a conservative pro-war organization. I want to get this as a featured article, so PLEASE, make good constructive feedback and I don't want comment simply saying "It sucks" or anything like that. You hear that, good constructive feedback on the article. --Dark Paladin X 19:51, 15 October 2007 (UTC)

Hey Dark! How are you? Before I start reading, I want to thank you for writing anything at all and going to pee review! It takes guts to put yourself out there like this, and whatever I think of your article, you should just keep writing and don't get discouraged. You'll do fine, man just keep writing. If the article gets too bad a grade, you really should move on (I've done that lots). --  Le Cejak <-> 03:25, 16 October 2007 (UTC)
Humour: 4 it rambles. Focus it more! Chop it down to size. It has a bunch of random lists: get rid of ALL LISTS. It has a bunch of randomness: GET RID OF IT. I'm thinking of what people on VFH will think, is all. Is "Protest Warrior" an organization or a person? Make that very, very clear to the reader.
Concept: 7 Hmmm... Kind of a weird idea... what's with the minitrue template? OOh, I get it... it's a government organization?
Prose and formatting: 5 Erk! The first sentence has a grammar mistake. Go through the article. Also, the article's pictures (which there are WAY too many of) are scattered willy-nilly throughout the article. Make them go either RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT or RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT.
Images: 5 Get rid of a lot of the images. Commit genocide on them: leave only the ones that relate to the article.
Miscellaneous: 8 It was easy to tell that you're a liberal. I like that (you hate Ann Coulter! Woooo!)
Final Score: 29 Meh, maybe just sit and think up a new article. I could be wrong, though, and you could get another opinion. I can dish it AND TAKE IT, so tell me if I was helpful or not, please!
Reviewer:   Le Cejak <-> 03:25, 16 October 2007 (UTC)

The mintrue thing was there because the signs they set up is almost like propaganda (and the idea they use doublethink in their signs to get their message). And Protest Warrior is an actual pro-war counter-protest group who protest on anti-war protest stating they prefer totalitarianism. I'm making fun of their bigotry.--Dark Paladin X 21:41, 16 October 2007 (UTC)