Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/I'm In Your Base Killin' Your Dudes

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I'm In Your Base Killin' Your Dudes[edit source]

Hey guys, if you could check this article out, maybe give me some constructive criticism, I'd be really grateful.

Humour: 5 I'm not sure if you're trying to suck off of All Your Base's attention or something, but it didn't turn out that well... It's way too short, and what IS there isn't exactly top-of-the-line humor.. The political aspect either needs to be expanded or cut out completely.
Concept: 4 There isn't much of it...
Prose and formatting: 4 It doesn't stray far enough from the Uncyclopedia format to have that "extremely stupid or outrageous" kind of funny, and doesn't stick close enough to it to have the typical humor...
Images: 3 Get Paint.net, kid. It's free (just Google it & dowload..), as easy to use as Paint, but leaves you with halfway decent images that are almost as good as Photoshop... A Star Wars video game screenshot and pixilated picture of Hitler's head on the Halo guy do not make for impressive pictures..
Miscellaneous: 3 Way too short, and doesn't handle what is there well, at all... This is either a mostly unknown internet meme or a ripoff of All Your Base... I can't tell which.
Final Score: 19 This needs a major do-over. Since this is a pretty basic idea, and you can't really expand on it too much without milking it for all it's worth, so I would reccommend putting more images in, after expanding on the article (a bit), and ones of better quality. Like I said, get Paint.net... Put in more pictures of people dying in cool explosions, using it, and possibly some of alternate meanings... Or something. It isn't as versitale as AYB, so there isn't that much you can do.
Reviewer: Flipwits

I agree with Flipwits to a great degree. The article needs to mock the I-meme "Im in ur base killing ur doodz", but the current article seems to just do the most obvious thing -- take the meme out of the gamer context and apply it spuriously to real-world military situations. That's OK but just barely. It could be a lot funnier.




In the year 1023 BC the Chinese sage Hu Tuk Mi Cheez journeyed far and wide, searching for the fabled Jade Latte Kiosk and caffeine-enhanced enlightenment. One night he slept in an abandoned temple deep in the mountains. At midnight he suddenly saw an ancient hag bending over him, her hideous face only inches from his nose. "What do you want, grandmother?" he said, his voice quavering. "IM IN UR DREAMZ BLOWING UR MIND" said the old woman. "OMG," said Hu Tuk, "I knew I shouldn't have had that double mocha before hitting the sack."

Or whatever. But it would be good to do something more interesting with the article. ----OEJ 15:10, 16 August 2007 (UTC)

To Flipwits: Actually, this article didn't have anything to do with All your bases are belong to us. It came to me while I was playing a video game online, and some guy said it, so I started thinking, "That would make a good article". Havoc14 O_o 03:59, 17 August 2007 (UTC)

It's been around forever and a day. It's a I-meme, just like All Your Base. "Im in ur base killing ur d00dz" is the form I'm most familiar with. Some say it comes from online gameplay of Starcraft, others say Counterstrike, Total Annhiliation, or Red Alert. There's a whole website dedicated to pics using variations on the phrase: http://iminurbase.com/. Here's a nawsty but funnie pic from that website:


...So it's not an untrodden, virgin idea. It has done been around the block with its pants down and a cigarette in each ear. ----OEJ 20:13, 17 August 2007 (UTC)